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Boundaries Endpoint

This endpoint allows you to list the administrative boundaries for the country associated with your account, along with the simplified GPS geometry for those boundaries in GEOJSON format.

Listing Boundaries

A GET returns the boundaries for your organization with the following fields. To include geometry, specify geometry=true.

  • osm_id - the OSM ID for this boundary prefixed with the element type (string).
  • name - the name of the administrative boundary (string).
  • parent - the id of the containing parent of this boundary or null if this boundary is a country (string).
  • level - the level: 0 for country, 1 for state, 2 for district (int).
  • geometry - the geometry for this boundary, which will usually be a MultiPolygon (GEOJSON).

Note that including geometry may produce a very large result so it is recommended to cache the results on the client side.


GET /api/v2/boundaries.json?geometry=true

Response is a list of the boundaries on your account

    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
        "osm_id": "1708283",
        "name": "Kigali City",
        "parent": {"osm_id": "171496", "name": "Rwanda"},
        "level": 1,
        "aliases": ["Kigari"],
        "geometry": {
            "type": "MultiPolygon",
            "coordinates": [
                        [7.5251021, 5.0504713],
                        [7.5330272, 5.0423498]