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Archives Endpoint

This endpoint allows you to list the data archives associated with your account.

Listing Archives

A GET returns the archives for your organization with the following fields.

  • type - the type of the archive, one of message or run (filterable as type).
  • start_date - the UTC date of the archive (string) (filterable as before and after).
  • period - daily for daily archives, monthly for monthly archives (filterable as period).
  • record_count - number of records in the archive (int).
  • size - size of the gzipped archive content (int).
  • hash - MD5 hash of the gzipped archive (string).
  • download_url - temporary download URL of the archive (string).


GET /api/v2/archives.json?type=message&before=2017-05-15&period=daily

Response is a list of the archives on your account

    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "count": 248,
    "results": [
        "type": "message",
        "start_date": "2017-02-20",
        "period": "daily",
        "record_count": 1432,
        "size": 2304,
        "hash": "feca9988b7772c003204a28bd741d0d0",
        "download_url": "https://..."